

  讲座主题:Synthesis of Nanostructured Metal Oxide Materials and Their Applications in Li-ion Batteries and Supercapacitors
  讲座人:Xiong Wen (David) Lou,新加坡南洋理工大学
  时间:2013年4月17日 (周三)下午 14:30
  楼雄文教授2002年和2004年分别毕业于新加坡国立大学并获得学士和硕士学位,2008年在美国康奈尔大学获得博士学位。攻读博士期间,因其卓越成果先后获得Austin Hooey Prize 和Liu Memorial Award奖,2008年加盟南洋理工大学,担任纳米材料研究中心主任,是目前纳米材料领域国际顶尖科学家之一。2010年,受聘为国际权威学术刊物Journal of Material Chemistry (IF=5.97)副主编,现担任Journal of Materials Chemistry A副主编。已经在Adv. Mater., J. Am. Chem. Soc,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等国际著名刊物发表论文100余篇,多次受邀在Adv. Mater. (IF=13.9)撰写关于空心纳米结构可控制备及应用相关评述性论文, 其研究成果共被SCI引用5400余次,H因子接近40。
  Metal oxides are suggested as promising electrode materials for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) and supercapacitors. We have employed hydrothermal/solvothermal methods to synthesize a wide range of new metal oxide based nanomaterials, and investigated their potential applications as electrode materials for LIBs and supercapacitors.
  In this talk, I will briefly discuss three types of metal oxides based on three different lithium storage mechanisms. (i) Specifically, we have synthesized hollow SnO2 nanostructures by both templating and template-free methods, and further engineered them into SnO2-carbon composite hollow structures to achieve significantly improved lithium storage properties. (ii) We also try to improve the lithium insertion properties of TiO2 by engineering the crystal facets in view of the fact that lithium insertion in TiO2 is anisotropic. In particular, anatase TiO2 in the form of nanosheet with exposed (001) facets is an ideal host structure for this purpose. We verified this hypothesis by both experimental measurement and theoretical calculation. (iii) We have also demonstrated the concept for conversion reaction compounds (e.g., Fe2O3) showing that the cycling performance can be improved by creating a porous/hollow structure. Lastly, I will briefly talk about some of our most recent works about mixed metal oxide materials for LIBs and supercapacitors.
  主题:Nanostructured Materials for Low Temperature Fuel Cells
  讲座人:Xin Wang,新加坡南洋理工大学
  时间:2013年4月17日 (周三)下午 15:30
  1994年本科毕业于浙江大学化工系,2002年博士毕业于香港科技大学化工系,2005年加盟新加坡南洋理工大学化学与生物医学工程学院,研究方向为低温燃料电池、储氢、电催化,是新型储能材料领域著名学者。目前已在Nature Chemistry、JACS、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.等期刊发表论文100余篇,成果共被SCI引用2800余次,H因子接近30。主持新加坡NRF、A-star等多项科研项目。
  Low temperature fuel cell has been regarded as a promising power source for various applications. This presentation will cover the research conducted in my group regarding the application of nanostructured material in this technology, including the development of durable and efficient electrocatalysts based on alterative support material and metal nanostructure, and composite membrane development for direct methanol fuel cells.